Based in New york, zachary franck is a writer with a focus in music, the human condition, and the detailed realism of life itself. he is the founder and owner of
the passion collective.

Friends & Acquaintances: Pennies & Quarters

Friends & Acquaintances: Pennies & Quarters

I believe that there comes a time in all of our lives when we must draw the line between friends and acquaintances. Yes, four quarters are definitely better to have than one-hundred pennies. At the same time, we shouldn't be too quick to throw the pennies out the car window or pass them off into a random tip jar. Throughout life there will always be those certain situations where you reach into your pocket for a quarter and only have a few nickels and pennies, they get the jo...b done though. What I'm basically saying is that sometimes acquaintances come through for you more than friends do. Other times those one-hundred pennies are absolutely no where to be found, but you hear the four quarters in your pocket and know they're there without searching for them. It's those four quarters and one-hundred pennies that prevent us from having to break a one-hundred dollar bill on an essential item that only costs $1.75, like a bottle of water on an August afternoon in New York City.

Something to think about on this late August evening...

Prescribing Life Lessons: Absorb Your Surroundings & Evolve Into Your True Self

My 14 Rules To Happiness & Success

My 14 Rules To Happiness & Success